Background; snakebite is becoming a troublesome disease in rural communities of developing countries. The traditional management of snakebite envenomation includes the use of plants administered orally of topically. Securinega virosa is one of the great African medicinal plants of which all parts are used as medicine for diseases with snake envenomation inclusive.Objective, To provide the bases for the use of leaf extracts of Securinega virosa in traditional medicine to treat snake envenomation.Methods: Swiss Albino mice of both sexes where grouped into five groups of four mice each. Pre-incubated 0.2ml at 37oC of normal saline, LD99 of Naja nigricollis snake venom alone and LD99 of its’ mixture with three various concentrations of the extract were given intra peritoneally to group 1,2,3,4 and 5.respectively. The outcome of the experiment was analysed using one way analysis of variance. The methanol, ethylacetate and n-hexane extracts of Securinega virosa leaf was tested.Results, N-Hexane extract produced the best protection against lethal dose of Naja nigricollis venom which is significant at 20mg/kg at p-value < 0.05.Conclusion: Securinega virosa leaf extract possessed antivenin potential activity which supports the use of the plant in the traditional management of snake envenomation.Key words: traditional medicine, medicinal plant, antivenin, snake envenomationÂReferences
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