Marigold waste and vegetable waste disposed from Koyambedu market were collected and it was degraded by Eisenia fetida (Lumbricidae) earthworms .NPK levels was checked by FCO method after 60 days. Antimicrobial activity was also checked by marigold fertilizer on different plant pathogeniec bacteria(Pseudomonas syringae, Erwinia carotovora, Xanthomonas citri).After 60 days spinach seeds were sowed in the soil and vermicompost (vegetable fertilizer and marigold fertilizer). NPK levels increased by 60% and 75% respectively.Zone of inhibition was formed by marigold fertilizer on Pseudomonas syringae and Erwinia carotovora. During the period of study, data were collected on reproductive strategies of earthworms and the number of earth worms was found to be increased. spinach grows well without any disease using marigold fertilizer, which shows marigold may be having pesticide activity.References
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