Pesticides are mainly released into Lakes, ponds and rivers due to the runoff from agricultural fields. Pesticides are generally toxic to many non-target organisms such as fish. Fish, generally accumulate contaminants from aquaticenvironments and have been largely used in studies of food safety. So, present investigation aims to determine the effects of chlorantraniliprole on biochemical characteristics (total protein, soluble and structural, free amino acidsand lipid levels in muscle, kidney and liver) of the fish Channa punctatus.The water used for acclimatization and conducting experiments was clear unchlorinated ground water. The soluble, structural and the total proteins in the organs were estimated using the folin-phenol reagent method. The result showsdeclined levels of biochemical parameters during all the exposure periods when compared with control. The results of the current study obviously show the toxic nature of the toxicant on the biochemical parameters of the fish, Channa punctuatus. The changes in total soluble, soluble proteins, free amino acids and lipid in the chlorantraniliprole treated fish. Key words:accumulate,food safety,Channa punctatus,declined, exposureReferences
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